Cartersville, GA Code of Ordinances. This act shall constitute the whole charter of the City of Cartersville, Georgia, repealing and replacing the charter as provided by Ga. 31-22, adopted December 15, 2022. - SOLICITORS AND CANVASSERS; DIVISION 2. Park & Pavilion Rental. CODE OF ORDINANCES City of CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA Codified through Ordinance No. - Electric companies. Indoor shooting ranges (hereinafter referred to as "ranges") are hereby allowed in the City of Cartersville, Georgia, subject to the terms, conditions and regulations set out and specified in this section. (9) On New Year's Eve only, the pouring hours shall be extended to 1:30 a. 5-70, standard details, detail 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, to the extent of such conflict, are hereby repealed. MunicodeNEXT, the industry's leading search application with over 3,300 codes and growing!Cartersville, GA Code of Ordinances. section 40-6-1 et seq. The City of Cartersville Zoning Ordinance is designed to implement the provisions of theSec. - Disposition of service charges and fees. Cartersville, Georgia - Code of Ordinances; Chapter 10 - LICENSES, TAXATION AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS REGULATIONS; ARTICLE IX. - ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENTS; Sec. Sec. (Ord. tit. 1 - All building/property ordinances, definitions, and limitations Within an A-1 agriculture district the following uses shall be permitted: 7. If you need to start utility service, please click here [do not request using the form below]: request or concern and have immediate access to rec activities, job postings, and utility bill pay option. 23 of this chapter. tit. Cartersville, GA 30120 (3) An applicant should receive a letter in the mail within thirty (30) days confirming their application was received and their. Cartersville, Georgia - Code of Ordinances; Chapter 10 - LICENSES, TAXATION AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS REGULATIONS; ARTICLE IX. If a sign meets all the standards as required by the City of Cartersville Code of Ordinances, the director shall issue a permit. CODE OF ORDINANCES City of CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA Codified through Ordinance No. The City of Cartersville may refuse to issue a certificate of occupancy for the building or other improvements constructed or being constructed on the site until the applicant or other responsible person has taken the remedial measures set forth in the notice of violation or has otherwise cured the violations described therein. CODE OF ORDINANCES CITY OF CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE; CHARTER LAWS - CHARTER; RELATED LAWS;. No. Sec. Ordinances Supporting Documents Sprinkler Ordinance (879 KB) Grill Ordinance (15 KB) Knox Box Ordinance (741 KB) CAD Drawing Ordinance (370 KB) Directions Cartersville Fire Department 195. 1. - Indoor shooting ranges permitted. - Self-inspection of licensed premises. The City or the Mayor and City Council of Cartersville. No person, directly or indirectly, shall receive a profit from the marketing and production of the film or. (Ord. 22-00, 7-20-00) Sec. Founded in 2001, Daniel Investment Group Properties is a Cartersville-based construction and property development company. 15 of this chapter and where existing and projected traffic. 31-22, adopted December 15, 2022. 5 - DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; ARTICLE IX. - Violation. BECOME A CARTERSVILLE FIREFIGHTER! The Cartersville Fire Department has announced that they will start accepting applications from aspiring firefighters starting on July 17, 2023. CODE OF ORDINANCES CITY OF CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE; CHARTER LAWS - CHARTER;. Cartersville, Ga 30120 Office Phone: (770) 382-2379 Fax: (770)-382-2775 Website Design By. 22-00, 7-20-00) Sec. 6-144. Any person attempting to prevent an inspection, whether owner, lessee, or his agent, shall be guilty of an offense. C. The City of Cartersville shall submit the required information to the Environmental Protection Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources for review. No. 4. The ordinances embraced in the following chapters and sections shall constitute and be designated as the "Code of Ordinances, City of Cartersville, Georgia," and may be so cited. The City of Cartersville, Georgia, in the County of Bartow, and the inhabitants thereof, shall continue to be a body politic and corporate under the name. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS AND OFFENSES Article III. - Reserved. 10-312. Cartersville, Georgia - Code of Ordinances; Chapter 10 - LICENSES, TAXATION AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS REGULATIONS; ARTICLE IX. Sec. CODE OF ORDINANCES CITY OF CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE; CHARTER LAWS - CHARTER;. The R-10 district encompasses lands devoted to medium density and cluster developed residential areas and closely related uses, and provides a transition from higher density residential areas to lower density residential areas as further described in section. Many in Bartow (including Cartersville) came together to address solutions to the over population. The AG district is intended to encompass lands devoted to a wide range of agricultural and closely related uses as further described in section 3. The term "range" is defined as a room, place or enclosure wherein the firing of firearms is. G. - Permits in effect. 21-96, § 1, 5-23-96) Secs. - ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENTS; Sec. - ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENTS; Sec. Cartersville, Georgia - Code of Ordinances; Chapter 10 - LICENSES, TAXATION AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS REGULATIONS; ARTICLE IX. The term "range" is defined as a room, place or. No. (9) On New Year's Eve only, the pouring hours shall be extended to 1:30 a. Cartersville, Georgia - Code of Ordinances; Chapter 24 - UTILITIES; ARTICLE X. All nonprofit corporations as authorized by the State of Georgia and United States Internal Revenue Service are exempt from the fees required. of 1937, p. - ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENTS; Secs. 1. O. My Drafts; My Notes; Show Walkthrough; version: Apr 3, 2023 (current) Cartersville, GA Code of Ordinances. The reports are for the Granger Hill Historic District. 6. 15 of this chapter and where existing and projected traffic. 01(a), which is hereby adopted by reference as if fully set out in, but by way of illustration only, includes certain defined tourist courts, tourist cottages, tourist homes, trailer parks, trailer courts, motels, motor hotels, hotels and further includes camp. Regulations set forth in this section are the MF-14 district regulations. - Purpose and relationship to the Comprehensive Plan. 10-546. - UTILITIES. - Admission of minors unlawful. Cartersville, Georgia - Code of Ordinances; Chapter 10 - LICENSES, TAXATION AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS REGULATIONS; ARTICLE IX. 6. 3. Cartersville, GA Code of Ordinances. 8. (1) Enforcement. 1, July 3-4 and Dec. - MINIMUM LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS; Sec. (Supp. - ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENTS;. Cartersville, GA Code of Ordinances. A. 10-335—10-350. ARTICLE XII. 10. 26)All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, to the extent of such conflict, are hereby repealed. - Title. A. (Supp. Cartersville, Georgia - Code of Ordinances; Chapter 10 - LICENSES, TAXATION AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS REGULATIONS; ARTICLE IX. Code of OrdinancesSupplement 26Online content updated on April 3, 2023. Cartersville, Georgia - Code of Ordinances; Chapter 10 - LICENSES, TAXATION AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS REGULATIONS; ARTICLE IX. 26)code of ordinances city of cartersville, georgia; supplement history table; charter laws - charter; related laws; charter comparative table - ordinances; charter comparative table - georgia laws; chapter 1 - general provisions; chapter 2 - administration; chapter 3 - alarm systems; chapter 4 - alcoholic beverages; chapter 5 - animalsCODE OF ORDINANCES City of CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA Codified through Ordinance No. - CITY GOVERNMENT LIGHTING SERVICE; TARIFF CGL-5. MF-14 district scope and intent. (a) An administrative fee of thirty dollars ($30. Regulations set forth in this section are the R-10 district regulations. Residential subdivisions not exceeding twenty (20) lots whose entrance is on a local or minor collector, as shown on the City of Cartersville Street Classification Map, shall install offset radii and fifty-foot tapers as shown in section 7. Under the amended legislation: • Fireworks may be ignited year-round between 10 a. (Ord. Regulations in this section are the P-D district regulations. 26) This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted. CODE OF ORDINANCES City of CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA Codified through Ordinance No. 9. - Definitions. (Supp. Sec. - Indoor shooting ranges permitted. - O-C Office/commercial district. (Supp. The official printed copy of a code of ordinances should be consulted prior to any action or decision being taken. "It does substantially change it," said Cartersville. gov Phone: 770-607-6312. No. 15-2. - Definitions. As used in this article, the term: (1) Billiard room means any public place where a person is permitted to play the game of billiards and for which a charge is made for use of equipment. Combined sewer means a sewer receiving both surface runoff and sewage. 8. C. 3. No. The director shall give notice to the. The purpose of this section is to provide for the administration and enforcement of the Georgia State Minimum Standard Codes for Construction as adopted and amended by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs and the administration and enforcement of Chapter 6 of the City of Cartersville Code of. This act shall constitute the whole charter of the City of Cartersville, Georgia, repealing and replacing the charter as provided by Ga. 26)Contact Richard Osborne AICP Zoning Administrator [email protected] XV. Since our inception, we have grown to include a host of commercial and residential property development services. Former ch. Chapter 8. No. 12-77, 4-28-77) Sec. Sec. 4-13. 10-385—10-400. Cartersville, Georgia - Code of Ordinances; Chapter 10 - LICENSES, TAXATION AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS REGULATIONS; ARTICLE IX. M. Code Enforcement. Sec. CODE OF ORDINANCES CITY OF CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE; CHARTER LAWS - CHARTER;. All nonprofit corporations as authorized by the State of Georgia and United States Internal Revenue Service are exempt from the fees required. Cartersville, GA Code of Ordinances. - ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENTS; Sec. The mayor and city council of the City of Cartersville, Georgia, in the interest of public health, safety and welfare further finds and declares that to be truly effective in the deterrence, eradication and removal of graffiti, it is necessary to implement a comprehensive anti-graffiti ordinance. 9 - Allowed zones 5. No. code of ordinances city of cartersville, georgia; supplement history table; charter laws - charter; related laws; charter comparative table - ordinances; charter comparative table - georgia laws; chapter 1 - general provisions; chapter 2 - administration; chapter 3 - alarm systems; chapter 4 - alcoholic beverages; chapter 5 - animalsThe Cartersville City Council has approved changes to its noise ordinance. See the Code Comparative Table for a detailed analysis of inclusion. This table shows the location of the sections of the basic Charter and any amendments thereto together with the location of related laws unless stated otherwise,. Sec. (Code 1976, § 1-1001)11. - Same—Mayor and city council determines procedure. The director shall give notice to the. C. No. 1 of this chapter. 5-2. 75) per month. BARTOW COUNTY. 1.